Saturday, December 1, 2007

Blogging from home....a different experience...

For long I have been a strong proponent of keeping the PCs and laptops out of personal life. But blame it on "work-load" these days or sheer solitude that I decided to carry over my office laptop to my room. I would have never applied for a broadband connection, but then I realised I can plug my phone into the laptop and use it as modem. Being EGPRS, its giving me almost 4 times the bandwidth of a GPRS.

Ok, with all this infrastructure in place, I thought weekend is the time you can sit and comtemplate on where you are heading towards..working all these weekdays. I have been reading "Maximum City" or rather sipping this book gradually as its a kind of "non-fiction" which has chunks which can tie you tightly and then some chunks when you put down the book because you realised that you have more interesting things to do just because the "interest-grade" of this part of the book has suddenly fallen down. But then you cant help to figure out the next interesting section of this book and so you carry on with the hope of hitting on another one. This being a serial access model from File I/O as opposed to "random" access.
Forgot to mention this book was recommended to me by my good "old" friend and colleague - Sanjib.

Today being the World something AIDS day, I saw few red ribbon ads on TV, asking you to take precautions of all sorts. There have been several reports recently that number of AIDS effected patients have been hiped by some NGOs and agencies which can gain as middlemen by collecting larger funds on the name of supporting the patients.
This whole AIDS thing has not only hijacked other diseases but other causes too. Global warming seems to have been the worst effected. I think unlike AIDS, Global warming has never been projected as an individualistic dimension. You, as a person, can prevent from getting HIV positive but noone tells you clearly that you, as a person, can help to save the humanity on this planet. Whenever it comes to Global Warming, people only talk about environment conferences in some part of Europe, mostly Switzerland (by the way...least likely to be effected by sea leve rise. A good place to have a conference on Environment would be Hawaii!!!) or developing country versus developed country debate in WTO etc. Noone takes it at individual level. Granted that there is a world environment day too on 5th of June..but planting a croton in your backyard on a single day doesnt help much. Everyday you keep the lights on, charge your phone, drive your car to work. Everyone knows that all this matters. Anyway, central or state governments in India..seem to be more worried about Aaaja Nachle songs these days or who fuelled gujarat riots some n years back or when should Sanjay Dutt go in and come out of jail.
I hope things will change soon and there will be more plant-trees and save-electricity ads. As usual everyone waits for the last day before the deadline to finish the work, I think this needs a slighter better approach than Just-In-Time.